Thursday, June 2, 2011

chelsea clinton dress

chelsea clinton dress. Chelsea Clinton finally
  • Chelsea Clinton finally

  • balamw
    Apr 12, 06:34 AM
    You could certainly make an application that is mostly HTML5/Javascript, that was the way that Apple originally intended for the iPhone 1. For webapps hosted externally you don't even need Xcode or a Developer license, but you can wrap a webapp into a "regular" app and then you would.


    chelsea clinton dress. think of Chelsea#39;s dress?
  • think of Chelsea#39;s dress?

  • MmmPancakes
    Sep 23, 03:45 PM
    I think the shuffles are a great idea for the tournament, and it shows the school is in tune with cool gifts for that age group. Apple refurbs are usualy great products...especially with a shuffle. With solid state flash memory, its either works perfect or it doesn't work at all, so refurb won't matter too much.

    chelsea clinton dress. chelsea clinton wedding dress
  • chelsea clinton wedding dress

  • Hushbull
    May 20, 03:31 AM
    You have over 5 posts so you can make the changes yourself ;)


    chelsea clinton dress. The Wedding of Chelsea Clinton
  • The Wedding of Chelsea Clinton

  • gguerini
    May 4, 09:27 AM
    I just installed the Intel 320 (120 GB) and I must say that I'm amazed.. No set-up besides the TRIMenabler patch

    I'm going to install my brand new Intel 320 (120GB) tonight. Should I "zero out" before I install the MacOS? Should I enable TRIM support??



    chelsea clinton dress. Then, Chelsea Clinton was the
  • Then, Chelsea Clinton was the

  • aeaglex07
    Apr 28, 10:22 AM
    SL is stable and solid for me. Leopard was Apple's Vista

    chelsea clinton dress. chelsea clinton dress.
  • chelsea clinton dress.

  • sk4prez2020
    Dec 28, 06:43 PM
    Glad to see they are making improvements finally. I don't think that Mobile Me is worth the fee now that the "Find My iPhone" feature is free. :apple:


    chelsea clinton dress. Stars: Video Chelsea Clinton
  • Stars: Video Chelsea Clinton

  • nyzwerewolf
    Apr 21, 07:52 PM
    Ok, here is the issue. I have a MacBook Pro 15 inch 2.4 Core 2 Duo (late 2007 model) with 6GB of RAM (DDR2 667). I don't know how to explain this because I am so pissed! Ok so let me try. Take a look at this screenshot. (

    It says Used 5.97GB and Inactive 2.07GB. WTF? why cant it release that 2.07GB? I cant open other apps because there is only 28.6MB of memory FREE.. I know the Inactive Memory is there so it helps the frequently opened apps to start faster.. but what if I want to open apps that I don't frequently open?

    WTF do I do? Is there something screwed up in my OS or is this how OS X manage memory?:mad:

    Sorry for expressing my frustration..

    chelsea clinton dress. vera-wang-chelsea-clinton-
  • vera-wang-chelsea-clinton-

  • waterskier2007
    Jun 24, 01:19 PM
    hey i had said i wanted those but its fine, u can sell them to the other guy


    chelsea clinton dress. Chelsea Clinton#39;s Wedding
  • Chelsea Clinton#39;s Wedding

  • Euan
    Sep 20, 06:16 AM

    Looks like we're getting new products today boys and girls :D

    Fingers crossed they update the PBs or drop prices :D

    chelsea clinton dress. was for Chelsea Clinton.
  • was for Chelsea Clinton.

  • HawaiiMacAddict
    Mar 13, 12:43 PM
    yes, that's exactly what I did. I took an external 1TB WD small form factor drive (it houses a 2.5" HDD), created 200GB and 800GB partitions, then installed Lion on the smaller one. I still haven't begun to use the larger partition, however :D

    BTW, has anyone gotten iStat Menus 2.0 running on Lion? I can't seem to get it working correctly. It downloads the sensors, but when I click on any of them in the preference pane, I'm told that they can't be loaded.


    chelsea clinton dress. chelsea clinton wedding dress
  • chelsea clinton wedding dress

  • yg17
    Feb 7, 10:05 PM

    DELANO, Calif.� A California man attending a cockfight has died after being stabbed in the leg by a bird that had a knife attached to its own limb.

    The Kern County coroner says 35-year-old Jose Luis Ochoa was declared dead at a hospital about two hours after he suffered the injury in neighboring Tulare County on Jan. 30.

    An autopsy concluded Ochoa died of an accidental "sharp force injury" to his right calf.

    Sheriff's spokesman Ray Pruitt says it's unclear if a delay in seeking medical attention contributed to Ochoa's death. Tulare officials are investigating, and no arrests were made at the cockfight.

    I'd say this is deserving of a Darwin Award

    chelsea clinton dress. Chelsea Clinton#39;s Vera Wang
  • Chelsea Clinton#39;s Vera Wang

  • Blue Velvet
    Dec 17, 05:31 AM
    Photoshop on its own will not OCR text. Really, what you're trying to do could skip the imaging stage until the end when you're batch-processing the image files to be psds or whatever.

    Assuming that Photoshop's batch processing tools under File>Automate>Batch will not produce the filenames you need, I'd look at it first of all as a workflow that first needs to parse a text file and produce blank image files in those names, even PDFs could work, the size and format is irrelevant.

    Once that's done, it's a simple matter of setting up a Photoshop action to format those images to the correct dimensions, colour spaces, layers etc and then batch processing all those files into another folder.


    chelsea clinton dress. Chelsea Clinton#39;s stunning
  • Chelsea Clinton#39;s stunning

  • GGJstudios
    Feb 15, 06:13 PM
    Not quite. You said c&p the whole quote. I said only need to c&p the quote= part (the bit with square brackets and the poster's name inside). Each to their own. Maybe I shouldn't have said 'much faster', but it works for me.
    Just to make sure I'm not misunderstanding, if I click the multi-quote buttons on post #2 and #3 and click "Post Reply", then use your method to "erase the first /quote, and paste (or retype it) after the second /quote", I get this, which isn't accurate, since it makes it look like I quoted iStudentUK:
    The only way I know how to do it is to copy the quote and paste it manually within the quoted post. If the quote came from another post, as in your example, you can use the multi-quote button ( to get both quotes in your reply, then cut and paste the original post into the post that quoted it.

    Thanks, that is the method I have been using. It just seems a bit inelegant!
    If I use my method, I get this, which is accurate, showing that iStudentUK quoted me:
    The only way I know how to do it is to copy the quote and paste it manually within the quoted post. If the quote came from another post, as in your example, you can use the multi-quote button ( to get both quotes in your reply, then cut and paste the original post into the post that quoted it.
    Thanks, that is the method I have been using. It just seems a bit inelegant!

    chelsea clinton dress. Chelsea Clinton#39;s fiance Marc
  • Chelsea Clinton#39;s fiance Marc

  • job
    Nov 20, 11:16 PM
    Originally posted by john123
    Ya'll don't know me ?!?! I don't know any of you !!!

    Where are jefhatfield? Spikey? Kela? The old crowd?

    Are they all gone for good? Say it isn't so!

    jefhatfield is still around.

    I dunno about the rest though.

    I think the rest are gone.


    chelsea clinton dress. Chelsea Clinton#39;s Wedding
  • Chelsea Clinton#39;s Wedding

  • terzinator
    Apr 13, 09:29 PM
    We have a small graphic design firm... four designers working on Illustrator and InDesign files... files might be 200MB to 1GB, generally. Really varies. Might be a brochure, logo design, packaging, whatever.

    We have a Mac Mini Server running Snow Leopard Server, attached to a Promise RAID. All our files are on this unit. (Backed up regularly, yada yada.) We have a gigabit network, so it's plenty fast to move files around, etc...

    here's the issue/question...

    Our designers generally work on the files "on the server" rather than copy them down to their drives to work. They think it's faster and more efficient, and reduces the chances of extra files being created, or deleting the wrong one, or issues with "which version" is the most current, etc. Copying up and down files takes time, they say.

    I argue (I'm the tech guy, not a designer) that it's asking for trouble. That working "off the server" could create file corruption if there's a network issue, or if there's an issue with a computer that's working on the file, or whathaveyou. I also think it's slow, even though it's a fast network. Any time saved "copying the file up or down" is going to be lost waiting for files to open and save and render and whatnot. I think it's very INefficient. All around, I just think it's a bad idea.

    Whether it's a good idea, or a bad idea, or a standard practice, well, what say you? And if you think it's asking for trouble, what's the best way to deal with stuff like this? A different server? Is there good software that allows for making sure you're working on the current file, etc...? What are other graphic design firms doing in this regard?

    If this isn't the best place for the post, let me know and I'll see if I can have it moved.

    Thanks in advance.

    chelsea clinton dress. RSS; Email; Print. A wedding
  • RSS; Email; Print. A wedding

  • madog
    Feb 16, 12:33 AM
    Everything ran smoothly for the... ohhh 4-5 years I've had Mac OS X. Then, one day a couple of weeks ago [using 10.3.7], my internet magically "shuts down" while my computer is on [this is the only pretext to my finder problem]. Nothing I could do could restart the internet: power cycling the modem/router, creating new connection settings, whatever. So then, I decided to restart. This is when my Finder hung at startup. Soooo, I let it sit there for a while and after about 5 min of not touching anything [not trying to relaunch Finder] it will startup. However, if the Finder hangs [for me] at startup, the internet will not work at all. Soooo crap.

    So I went through my basic troubleshooting scheme, rebooting from a CD and running the likes of DiskWarrior, TechTool4 and DiskUtility. The first time I did this, everything went back to normal. However, after another 12 hours of the computer being on, the internet mysteriously cut out again, so I knew the Finder would hang if I rebooted [which it did]. So I did what I had done before but this time nothing worked. Soooo I tried a combo power-cycling modem/router-while-booted-from-cd-and-running-repairs thing and it worked. So I went along my merry way and it happened again. This time after about 24 hours.

    So then I boot up from my Panther disk to run repairs from there. This time, I only have my modem unplugged [in all/any way it can be unplugged] and upon restart it worked fine. Good. Great. Dandy.

    Then after another unknown amount of hours [2 days or so] it happens [i]again. Sigh.....

    "OK, screw this", I thought. I'll just reinstall and everything will be OK. So I boot from my Panther disk, zero my boot drive and reformat to Journaling ["Fine, if Mac OS X would rather have journaling then it might make my life easier"]. I reinstall only the BSD Subsystem as an option so I only have to use 1 disk. Then I go about re-customizing my OS to my liking, adding this time only LittleSnitch, MenuMeters and TransperantDock [as opposed to all the crap I had on before, with around 10 "other" system preference panes and a "full" Applications folder]. Then after another 48 hours the system craps out. Just long enough after I had everything to my liking.


    So I go about reinstalling again, this time from a friends Panther disk, just to make sure. Instead of zeroing the drive again, I just erase and reinstall. Upon the very first restart, the Finder hung........ "Dear Mac Gods......"

    So the next time, I try zeroing AND "8-way random write" to my drive just to make sure everything is nice and clear before I start again. Oh, by the way, did you know it takes around 13 hours to 8-way random write to a 30gb hard drive? Anyway, this time I get it started after and immediately [as I usually do] run permission repair and then update my OS. Then after reboot, I repair permissions again and proceed to get more updates. Oh, and at this time I had been recieving weird permission problems such as:

    User differs on ., should be 0, owner is 501
    Permissions differ on ., should be drwxrwxr-t , they are drwxrwxr-x
    Owner and group corrected on .
    Permissions corrected on .


    Permissions differ on ./private/etc/slpsa.conf, should be -rwxr-xr-x , they are -rw-r--r--
    Owner and group corrected on ./private/etc/slpsa.conf
    Permissions corrected on ./private/etc/slpsa.conf

    I repair my permissions regularly and have never seen either of those before.

    Let's see.... where was I.... oh, 3rd reinstall I think.

    Ok, so I continue to update my system [this install was when 10.3.8 came out, before the full combo update] and get it to 10.3.8. I happily chug along thinking 10.3.8 was a god send, and go forth and install LittleSnitch and MenuMeters [two things I can't live without] directly from the developer sites. Then the problem happens AGAIN after another 24 hours or so of no restart after installing LS.

    So now I'm really angry. I search Apple's boards and google the problem to find that it's happened to more than a few people. They have suggestions such as to reset pram, delete user and system caches and delete certain user/system preferences. "How could I have a corrupt cache or pref on a fresh install?", I think. So I reboot and let the system hang until it finally boots up [but with no internet access] and I enable invisible items and proceed to trash all my caches [only this so far]. Since some are still in use, I have to reboot to empty the trash. So I do so. The Finder hangs the next start up, but I figure that's just a warmup for the files I just deleted. So I restart again. Finder still hangs. Luckily I had to leave at this point, so I keep my system running, getting ready to rein


    chelsea clinton dress. Chelsea Clinton#39;s wedding
  • Chelsea Clinton#39;s wedding

  • Ikyo
    Mar 10, 10:21 PM
    I might head over. Let me know how the line is later in the day. I wonder when Walmart are going to sell theirs.

    chelsea clinton dress. chelsea clinton wedding dress
  • chelsea clinton wedding dress

  • AlphaDogg
    May 3, 12:09 AM
    The late 2008 models run with Core 2 Duos, right? I don't think Core 2 Duos use DD3. They use DDR2, which would mean that you wouldn't be able to use it in your old MBP. Just look under "About this Mac" and it should say what memory it uses.

    Yes. I'm 101% sure that my Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro has a Core 2 Duo processor in it. Later models of the Core 2 Duo processor is capable of DDR3. As long as the OP has a 2008 unibody MBP, it should work alright. I'm not sure if there are compatibility issues with the 1333mhz ram, though.

    chelsea clinton dress. chelsea clinton dress.
  • chelsea clinton dress.

  • SB123
    Apr 18, 09:01 PM
    Photos indicates plural... :confused:

    If you insist, a few more from Costa's a beautiful country.

    Apr 13, 11:46 PM
    None of those hard drives in my opinion. Get a Hitachi 500 GB 7200 rpm drive. Best bang for buck. It's quiet, fast, and reliable. There's a reason apple uses them and Toshiba over WD and Seagate. I've had bad experiences with the whole Scorpio line of hard drives. They were always loud and spun up and down at random intervals causing beachballs.

    Thanks for the suggestion. It receives good reviews. However, I cannot find one for a good price. The best prices is $178. This is the problem with living in my country.
    The reason why I posted those drives is because they are the only ones with non-exorbitant prices.

    Dec 14, 04:59 PM
    I have a 6gb green mini that i could sell.

    Dec 16, 06:06 PM
    Yeah, a restart may help. :)

    Restarted but I get the same result, I'll check out the cable.

    Feb 12, 01:48 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The iPhone 4 was a failure at launch. The antenna is broken. It drops Internet connections and calls if held a certain. The glass claiming to be strong is weak sauce and the only good things on the phone are the cameras and screen.*
    Am I the only one who feels this way?

    If you are an iPhone 4 owner, then yes I think you are the only one who feels this way. Or maybe you bought a lemon.

    Apr 3, 08:52 AM
    I don't know if this is occurring here, but in many other instances of touting/scalping, people deliberately sabotage the auctions by putting in high fake bids - it's possible the highest of those isn't a genuine offer.

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